Why me?

Because I’ve been in your shoes. I know what it’s like to feel desperate for answers. To feel unheard and invalidated, all while your life and health continue to disintegrate.

Here’s my story…

From psoriasis and IBS since childhood to allergies, fatigue and an underactive thyroid (Hashimoto’s) in my 20s. Added to that, PMS, heavy and painful periods, damp and mouldy living conditions, and a high stress IT job that led to burnout… it’s safe to say I wasn’t in a great place.

My weekends were consumed by sleep just to muster the strength for another week of work. I was living in a constant cycle of survival.

I thought a pill from the doctor would cure everything – but, it didn’t (as anyone with a thyroid condition knows, it's rarely that simple.)

Feeling desperate, someone suggested I see a Nutritional Therapist. I was skeptical, I remember saying “I’m not really sure about this hippy stuff but I’ll give it a go.” Well, I’m so grateful they did because it changed everything.

The experience opened my eyes to the profound impact of diet and lifestyle on health. I had spent many years not understanding or listening to my body. I didn’t recognise the signs of dehydration, or realise that you could eat breakfast without needing to snack on a chocolate bar at 10am to keep going.

I dove into researching and experimenting with different approaches to nutrition and wellness. I also worked with a life coach who helped me uncover my true passion: helping others navigate their own paths to feeling empowered in their health and vitality.

So with all of this, I quit my job and embarked on a career change, dedicating four years to become a qualified Nutritional Therapist. Now I work with women to share everything I’ve learned, and pretty much everything I wish someone had told me when I was at my darkest moments of my health journey.

Your health truly is your wealth, and I want to help you make the most of it.

Diploma Nutritional Therapy from Institute for Optimum Nutrition
CPD: Plant-based Nutrition: A Sustainable Diet for Optimal Health
Bachelor of Science, University of Manchester
Memberships: BANT, CNHC, PBHP, IAPMD

Location: Based near Stroud, Gloucestershire. I offer face to face and online consultations.

Creating a space where you feel able to open up and talk about your own unique circumstances is important to us. With compassion and authenticity, and no judgment, we'll work together to help navigate your journey, even with all of life's ups and downs.

We prioritise ethics in our practice, which means we pledge not to profit from any tests or supplements recommended as part of our services. Our recommendations are solely focused on your best interests, not financial gain. Any discounts available will be passed directly on to you.

Food First Approach
While supplements can have their place, they're not a substitute for a balanced diet. Our philosophy is simple: prioritise improving your diet before considering supplements. However, if you have a clear deficiency and need additional support, we'll work together to find the right supplement for you.

Change can be hard, we get it. Our approach focuses on realistic solutions tailored to fit seamlessly into your life, we don’t want to add to the daily grind. If it's not practical and enjoyable, it won't stick.

Providing you with a professional confidential service is important to us. We will only make recommendations that are evidence based and we continue to expand our knowledge through ongoing professional development. 


Book your free health chat

A no-pressure, confidential conversation with a me, where you can ask questions and explore how I can help you. Let's chat and see if we're a good fit for your health journey. Get to know us.